LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307)
Cucumber | Lebanese | Blue Leaf™

- Multi fruited Lebanese style cucumber
- Benefits from dark Blue Leaf™ foliage
- Late spring, summer, early autumn production periods
Lyman RZ is multi fruited Lebanese-style cucumber. The plant habit is compact but open. Leaves are smaller than other varieties; this is a new direction in plant breeding. Smaller leaves allow more light to penetrate the plant, resulting in darker coloured fruit. Smaller leaves can also reduce labour efforts during maintenance and harvesting.
Lyman RZ is a fantastically generative plant.
This Lebanese cucumber has the darkest leaves in the suite of Blue Leaf™ varieties.
Dark, blue-tinged leaves mean more chlorophyll and more light and nutrient absorption – read more about the benefits of Blue Leaf™ here.
Lyman RZ is great for summer and autumn production periods; it’s best suited to summer harvest in mild areas.
Order high-quality seeds online or speak with a local technical respresentative for information tailored to your growing conditions.