LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307)

Cucumber | Lebanese | Blueleaf® | Spring & Summer
LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307) product photo front L
LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307) product photo front L
LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307) product photo front L
LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307) product photo front S
Logo Blueleaf
  • Multi fruited Lebanese style cucumber
  • Benefits from dark Blueleaf® foliage
  • Summer and Autumn production periods
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500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Precision seed
Product ID: KGAKjTCP


LYMAN RZ F1 (22-307)
Introduction number
22-307 RZ F1
Crop type
Lebanese (15-18cm)
Resistance (HR)
Resistance (IR)
Cropping system
Traditional greenhouse

Lyman RZ is multi fruited Lebanese-style cucumber. The plant habit is compact but open. Leaves are smaller than other varieties; this is a new direction in plant breeding. Smaller leaves allow more light to penetrate and more fruit to set. This can also reduce labour costs during maintenance and harvesting. 

Lyman RZ is a fantastically generative plant.

This Lebanese cucumber has the darkest leaves in the suite of Blueleaf® varieties.
Dark, blue-tinged leaves mean more chlorophyll and more light and nutrient absorption – read more about the benefits of Blueleaf® here.

Lyman RZ is great for summer and autumn production periods; it’s best suited to summer harvest in mild areas.

Order high-quality seeds online or speak with a local technical respresentative for information tailored to your growing conditions.

1 variety

500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Precision seed
Product ID: KGAKjTCP